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אטרקציות in eilat

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Restaurants and attractions in Eilat area

Click to visit Timna n.p

The park is located approximately 25 kilometers north of Eilat, in the middle of the Red Sea Desert. The horseshoe-shaped park, created by tectonic plate movement tens of millions of years ago, spreads out over an area of 60 square kilometers and is part of the Syrian-African rift.
Click to visit Tsoof winery

A guided visit to the Tsoof winery in Arad, which includes explanations of the fruit and production, unlimited wine tastings accompanied by cheese meals nearby. The winery specializes in the production of organic fruit wine and natural methods. Open all week by appointment and pre-registration. The price is 120 NIS per person.
Click to visit Bike friendly israel

Zimmer Bed and Breafast Bike Friendly Israel. BF.

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