סגירה אישור
אפס את אפשרויות הנגישות

Keren Kolot at Kibbutz Ketura BB

About Us
In a nutshell


Kibbutz Ketura Guest House

The kibbutz tourism industry deals with both educational tourism and seminars for youth and graduates from
Israel and abroad, and as a guest house at the kibbutz for guests from all over the world.
Kibbutz Ketura hospitality offers a perfect solution for families, groups, couples and individuals looking for a holiday in the Arava.
The kibbutz guest rooms are spacious and well-equipped, and guests enjoy all the benefits of kibbutz
accommodation: pool, kosher dining room, kibbutz tours, sports fields, and more.

Marula Rooms

 12 Marula rooms,  up to 4 guests in room:

Air conditioning and heating

 Satellite TV

Bathroom and shower

Kitchenette with a refrigerator, kettle, electric stove, coffee, tea, fruit, milk, and cookies.

Some of the rooms have baths.

The rooms are especially suitable for individuals,

 couples or couples with one or two children.

Pitaya Suites

8 Pitaya family suites. up to 7 guests in room. There are 2 bedrooms in each suite, and each bedroom has:

Air conditioning and heating

Satellite TV

Private bathroom and shower

Kitchenette with a refrigerator, kettle, electric stove, coffee, tea, fruit, milk and cookies. 

The suite can accommodate up to 7 guests, and is ideal for families with children, groups, friends or two couples.

Argania Apartments

 4 Argania apartments accommodate up to 14 guests.

Each apartment has 4 bedrooms with own private bathroom and shower.

The four bedrooms share a

Kitchenette with a refrigerator, kettle, electric stove, coffee, tea, fruit, milk and cookies

 Living room.

 Satellite TV.

The apartments are ideal for families and groups.



Facilities and amenities

Acces internet
Entrée gratuire dans le Kibbutz / piscine du village
Air conditionné
Hébergement sur base de logement + petit déjeuner
• Animaux domestique ne sont pas permis
• Les repas sont Kasher et ultra-Kasher (Lamehadrin)
• Meubles de jardin
• Plasma/Ecran de télévision LCD
• Logement accueillant familles et/ou groupes
• Boissons chaudes gratuites - café, thé, lait, sucre
• Grill à l'extérieur
• Chambres pour couples et familles
• Douche
• Hébergement dans un Kibbutz (village agricole commun)
• Chambre pour une personne
• Chambre + salon
• 2 chambres ou plus + salon
• Frigidaire & Surgélateur
• Salle de bain dans la chambre
• Essuie-mains
• Parking privé
• Mikvah
• Terrain de football et de basketball
• Terrain de jeux pour enfants
• Nous parlons:
• Anglais
• Nous avons des bons de réduction pour les attractions et les restaurants dans la région
• Renting bicycles

In & Around
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Room Name Weekdays Weekend

Room Name Weekdays Weekend


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יורם לוין, 13/8/2020
All the information in this page regarding the business, including prices, availability, amenities etc., is published by the business owner and the company does not hold any responsibility about its accuracy.

The pictures are for illustrative purposes only.
Things to do nearby
Frequently Asked Questions about Keren Kolot at Kibbutz Ketura BB
Yes, there is a synagogue nearby.
Restaurants and cafes can be found at gas stations and nearby towns, a short drive away. To view the list of restaurants and cafes in the area, please click here.
Yes, read the verified reviews of previous visitors in the B&B.
Within a short drive of the B&B you will find a variety of attractions, trek routes and hiking and car trails. To view the list of attractions in the area, please click here.
Information changes from time to time. To view available rooms for the coming weekend, including prices and benefits, please check the availability of the rooms now.
Prices vary depending on the season, room type and number of guests. For the full price list and exact prices for you, please view the room price list.
There is free Wi-Fi for our guests.